The Wye is in Crisis

Join us this SUNDAY, JULY 10TH at NOON at HAY CASTLE to hear our ‘Declaration on the State of the River’ read aloud from the steps above the market square.

Flow with us through the castle gates for an afternoon of music, poetry, song, exhibitions, workshops and speakers.

Activities for children provided by Busy Bees nursery and Wild Play rangers from the Wildlife Trust - plus spell writing.

Vegan and vegetarian food by Lotus May and Planet and Plate. MacMan will be there, Shepherds Ice Cream too!

Epicure will offer an outside bar.

Visit our exhibition in the Clore Space to see our film on the citizen scientists monitoring the Llynfi. Admire the work of local artists who draw their inspiration from the Wye and the creatures it sustains.

Our line up:

12 noon - Declaration on the State of the River

12.20 - Welcome by Friends of the Upper Wye

12.30 - Climate Choir sing for the river

1pm - Regenerative farmer Ben Taylor-Davies on saving our soils

1.15pm - Brothers Gillespie - folk music for the soul

2pm - Helen Stace from Herefordshire Wildlife Trust to talk on the crisis facing the Wye and possible solutions

2.15pm - Fordsons Band - mountain music flowing with the river

3pm - Simon Evans from the Wye and Usk Foundation on their plans to save the Wye

3.15pm - Poetry with Jean Atkin, Robert Minhinnick, James Roberts and Owen Sheers

4.15pm - Journalist Oliver Bullough on our hopes of getting bathing water status for sites along the Wye

4.30pm - Slapping skins drum workshop and Clara helping us find our voices and bring energy to the fight to protect the river.

5.20pm - Closing remarks from Friends of The Upper Wye

5.30pm - Pamela Wyn Shannon and band play us out in style